Today! Lift Up Your Hands And Say, Thank You Jesus!

Open your Bible to Psalm 63:4 it says... So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands. Go ahead and highlight that scripture.
The Christian life is all-about a sweet relationship with Jesus! It doesn't matter what your education level is, your job title or your financial status may be. Jesus is always your first love! The more exalted your thoughts of Jesus, the more you will lift up your hands and say, Thank You Jesus!
Jesus wants you to see Him as your only source of help in every situation. Life is not about who you are, it's about whose you are. When you lift up your hands to Jesus, you are acting as one who belongs to Him. When your spiritual eyes are fixed on Him and not the world around you, you begin to see life differently. You submit your life to Jesus and allow Him to live His life through you.
The power of Jesus is the power to conquer your problems.Jesus rose from the dead and opened to us the door to eternal life. He has the power to open heaven to all who believe in Him. No one is too insignificant for the Savior to seek and to save! Our Savior is the same yesterday, today, and forever! When the odds are stacked against you and you're facing problem after problem, circumstance after circumstance. Jesus knows exactly what you need and what blessings would benefit you. Jesus is worthy of all your praise!
If you're in serious pursuit of Jesus, today lift up your hands and say, Thank You Jesus! you see, as you discover more about His goodness, you also take time to grow in your devotion toward him. You're building your life on the truth of His Word and He wants you to depend on Him and be led by him. Jesus will give you His principles for wise living and He will give you His ways to help you in your daily Christian walk.
Today, I'm teaching you, your life must reflect the presence and influence of Jesus Christ. You can raise your hands in praise to the One who will make all things new to you. His kindness, His mercy, His love, His goodness, His graciousness. There is only one thing in life worth bragging about - your testimony about Jesus! We have an all-sufficient Jesus and that there is none like Him.
Jesus gives you a totally new beginning with God. That's why it's impossible to ignore the exalted name of Jesus. God forgives and saves all who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. People should be able to look at you and know there is something different about you.
Jesus is working in your life this very minute. You may not be aware of it, but He is. When He looks at you, He sees things that everybody else ignores. Jesus sees things deep within you that others can't see. Give Him Praise!
God has Bigger Plans for you! God wants to IMPACT YOUR LIFE! God wants you to open up to His Spirit working in your life. Let me teach you how to receive godly benefits because you belong to Jesus! Let me teach you How to walk in heavenly victories when life is hard! Subscribe to my FREE Newsletter "Wake Up Sunday Morning" I'll teach you how to get benefits for believers! Go to also you can go read my blog and rededicate your life to God right now. Go to


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